Go deeper by interacting directly with players
We’ve removed all the pain points for running seamless, secure moderated research.
Talk to your players (without the scheduling stress)
Our platform handles the recruiting, scheduling, booking, access links and even replaces no-shows
Get unfiltered, open-ended feedback
Ask follow-up questions and gain additional context from players during the test, or just observe in real time
Navigate players around known issues
Keep the playtest moving when players encounter a bug, and test before the game is fully playable
More Player Insights
The simplest approach to moderated research
Surveys and self-guided playtests are great for gathering baseline data. But if you find yourself asking “I wonder why they did that?” when reviewing recordings, it’s time for a moderated playtest.

Observe in real-time, pause and ask questions, and gather meaningful insights from a player excited to share feedback.

“Moderated Playtests are an essential part of our research. Being able to ask why a player took one path over another helps us build a better FTUE!”

How it Works

For even faster insights and dedicated research support, you can compliment your plan with our add-ons
Choose your preferred audience
Pick your target players from our panel of more than 1.5 million, using basic demographics like age, gender, location—and advanced criteria including gaming preferences, interests and devices.

You can even request players who have already played your game (or your competitor’s!), or who have playtested an earlier build.
Share your availability
Select which time slots you’d like to speak with players. We’ll recruit based on your schedule.
Just show up!
Join our secure platform for the call (not a Zoom link or other provider). No additional tools for scheduling or access are required.
No need to take notes
Recordings of the session are automatically stored on the platform. And, just like with unmoderated playtests, you’ll receive the transcripts and AI analysis.

Types of Moderated Research

Moderated Playtests
Pick your target players from our panel of more than 1.5 million, using basic demographics like age, gender, location—and advanced criteria including gaming preferences, interests and devices.

You can even request players who have already played your game (or your competitor’s!), or who have playtested an earlier build.
Player Interviews
Meet 1:1 with players for a secure video call and go beyond quantifiable data. Uncover meaningful insights through conversation, or share your screen for feedback.

Our expert researchers can moderate your playtests for you.

Learn More