Research Advisory
Add an advisory package to your subscription and immediately advance your playtesting efforts.

Our platform is awesome, but our experts add even more value.

We run more playtests than anyone in the world—more than 78,624 hours recorded in the last 12 months alone!

Our expertise comes from 10 years in business, supported by the rich experiences of our in-house games user research experts. From an entire organization empowered to playtest, to a smaller team managing all the research for a studio, we support them all.

What's included?

As an add-on to your PlaytestCloud subscription, the Research Advisory Package includes additional training, support and deliverables.

Regular office hours
Frequent check-ins with our internal experts to support your roadmap, discuss ongoing projects and advance your strategy
Custom deliverables
Bespoke assets including custom screeners, surveys and templates for more targeted recruiting and precise, unbiased insights
Advanced training
Specialized team training in topics to broaden and deepen capabilities and knowledge, with options for virtual and in-person
Research Advisory
Deepen and expand the research capabilities of your organization
Give your lean research team additional support, provide your experts with trusted advisors, or let us help you roll out research best practices across the entire company.
Games User Research training
Research Advisory includes training for your team or organization on both basic and specialized topics, many of which are listed here. Each of these sessions can be tailored to your studio's needs.

Most of these sessions are run remotely, though there may be opportunities for on-site workshops. Talk to our team to learn more.
Games User Research Fundamentals
An overview of basics for games user research and playtesting, including methodologies, formats and roadmap building.
Advanced Methods for Moderated Research
Interacting with players while they play, including player interviews and moderated playtests
Advanced training on the Player Insights Platform™
A practical training that includes planning, ordering and running playtests within our platform and then analyzing data and extracting insights
Benchmarking for Better Data
Learn what data points to track from your competitors' games, your own game and each new version, plus our advice for optimal tracking of player feedback.
Competitor Testing
The missing piece of the Games UX puzzle. Learn best practices and formats for playtesting your competitor's games to gain insight from your own players.
Better Game Onboarding
Guidelines and approaches for building a best-in-class First Time User Experience, with expert feedback on your current FTUE.
Monetization Testing
Learn why and how your players spend, identify opportunities for reduced friction, then optimize your game's earning engine
Playtesting with Kids
Explore testing with young humans and optimizing your playtests for this highly discerning audience while avoiding common pitfalls.

Build a playtesting plan that puts players at the center of your development process

Add a Research Advisory package to your subscription.
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