Multi-Session Playtests
Improve player retention with insights that show they'll come back
Critical insights for returning player behavior

Mobile gaming habits of most players tend to be short gameplay sessions, spread throughout the day. The importance of an engaging FTUE is well-documented, but the returning player experience is just as important.

Most studios understand the importance of running Single Session playtests to see how a player responds to their game. But Multi-Session playtests show how the same players experience returning gameplay, simulating your target players' realistic long-term behavior.

How it works

Customize your Multi-Session playtest setup to simulate your players' authentic experience
Choose the length of each session
Just like with other playtest types, you can set the length of these sessions to specify how long players should play.
Choose the breaks between sessions
Adding a break means your players don't need to sit waiting for in-game timers or energy regeneration mechanics. This crucial step helps create a more natural gameplay experience as they leave and return, just as your real players will do.
Fastest delivery of Multi-Session results
Once you start the test, you'll automatically start receiving your first results within 1-2 days (sometimes sooner).
Automated analysis, easy sharing
Videos, transcripts and AI analysis 
are all automatically added to your dashboard. Easily find what you need and share with your team.
Backed by a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
We review each playtest recording for quality and techincal issues. If it doesn’t meet our standard, we replace it at no cost.
Use Multi-Session playtests to answer these questions
Do players remember game mechanics from previous sessions? 
Is the game fun and interesting after the first session?
Is the tutorial too long or too short, and does it teach players how to succeed at playing long-term?
Do players feel like they're progressing and enjoy coming back, session after session?

Run better Multi-Session playtests

Request a demo and try it on your own game.
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